The KE4COL 145.230(-) Gold Hill / Auburn, AL repeater is back to running on a Harris Mastr III machine. I spent Saturday, 2/9/19 reconfiguring, reprogramming, and realigning this machine for Lee (KE4COL) and he transported it to the repeater site and fired it up on Sunday, 2/10/19. There were a few audio drive/distortion issues on […]
Category: Isolators
Video Demo and Testing of an Isolator for Transmitter / P.A. Protection
I often get asked “Do I really need to spend the money to purchase an RF isolator and have it tuned for installation on my repeater or transmitter? And, if so, why?” In this video, I demonstrate (and test) a db Products (Decibel Products) DB4613-1A isolator on a 100 Watt paging system, showing how the […]