FCC Licensed Amateur Radio Operator, Extra Class

Demo of Custom Built Arduino-Based RF Power and SWR Monitor

This video is a demonstration showing the RF Power and VSWR Monitor & Alarm System I recently designed and built. The front panel and chassis used to be a Glenayre Power Monitor panel, but after being completely gutted, retrofitted, painted, etc., it is now a custom Arduino-based build. I finished creating and putting the front panel labeling on it this morning. It is working great already, but I know it will still evolve further over time. Nonetheless, it’s installed and the paging system to which it is attached is totally ready to be taken to the site and go online. The paging transmitter system is a Quintron and will be a swap-out of an existing system at a site for one of my DuplexerRepair.com clients. The existing system at that site is fully operational and functioning well, but while we’re putting up new antennas, feedlines, etc. and making a few other equipment changes during a complete tower “swap and drop” project at the site, I decided to align, test, and enhance one of the existing “spare” systems and bring the other one back and put it through all the same testing and enhancements made to this system.

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